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Ariadne Pfad:


Steinbach, Julia; Stoeger, Heidrun

How primary school teachers' attitudes towards self-regulated learning (SRL) influence instructional behavior and training implementation in classrooms.

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In study 1 we showed the influence of primary school teachers' (n = 47) attitudes towards SRL on their assessment of the desirability of implementing SRL during instruction. Their attitudes also influenced their behavior in registering for a 2-day professional development seminar on SRL and their willingness to implement a 7-week daily SRL training program in their classes. In study 2 we showed the influence of teachers' (n = 22) SRL attitudes' on their implementation of a 7-week daily training program for SRL. We also found that teachers' attitudes towards SRL improved over the course of implementing the training program. (Verlag).


Bildungsforschung, Pädagogische Psychologie, Klassenleitung, Grundschule, Lehrer, Lehrerin, Lerntraining, Intervention, Strategie,

Sprache englisch
Dokumenttyp Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN 0742-051X
DOI 10.1016/j.tate.2016.08.017
Siehe auch: Literaturhinweise zur Förderung von Selbstregulation beim Lernen

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