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Ariadne Pfad:


IÉSEG DataViz Challenge

Einsendeschluss: 11.04.2021 (abgelaufen)

h t t p s : / / d a t a v i z - c h a l l e n g e . i e s e g . f r / e n /Externer Link

IÉSEG School of Management in France is launching its first Data Visualization challenge in partnership with the financial services company Cofidis. Open to all students enrolled in a European higher education institution, this ‘Dataviz’ challenge will allow participants to tackle a real challenge from the bank sector, with the theme “loan officers’ daily data”. Within Cofidis, the loan officers are in charge of the management of the Cofidis partner brands that offer their credit solutions and thus receive dozens of different types of information every day. How can this information be presented in a synthetic, efficient and pleasant way in order to facilitate the work of the loan officers?


Bank (Wirtschaft), Bankgeschäft, Daten, Datenanalyse, Informationsverarbeitung, Kredit, Visualisieren,

Thematischer Bereich Computer / Internet; Wirtschaft
Adressaten Studenten
Bildungsbereich Hochschule
Häufigkeit einmalig
Relevanz europaweit
Veranstalter IÉSEG School of Management und Cofidis
Staat Frankreich
Zuletzt geändert am 18.02.2021

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